The web is being populated by thousands of podcasts. If you want a podcast featuring radio drama you can find one. The same is true for any type of music you want, comedy, poetry and more.
Businesses are developing podcasts as a means of marketing their brand or product.
A business podcast could be developed based on an interview with the manufacturer of a featured product, or it could be with the website owner on the value and difference customers can expect from their online business.
You dont have to immediately think of an infomercial when you think podcast either. The truth is a podcast should be something the visitor will feel is worthwhile for them to listen in on. The podcast can, and should, draw attention to features of your website and tools that are helpful to them. This can be knowledge based articles that compliment the podcast material or simply a products page that provide detailed descriptions of the item or items you discussed in the podcast.
The site visitor has control over when they listen and whether they visit so dont beg. You should simply provide honest information and let the visitors decide for themselves if the product...