In poker , many people will win and lose at random. although this is the basic law of gambling or any game for that matter. Will you be the one to win or lose, that is the question. How much money will you win in this game verse the money you will win in the next game. Of course I did say that, “many” people will lose and win at random. Others, The Ones who are considered the experts, never lose.
Of course if you look at how some beginners play, for example me when I first started, and see a mistake I used to make when I played for money. One of the mistakes that I used to make was playing game by game and constantly putting money into the gambling casino that I played at. I don’t remember at the time where I iusd to play, but I think it was party poker . They have a pretty good casino…many secepics think its reigged…
Anyway… the mistakes I used to make had to do with the topic I want to dicuss today, which is bankroll management in poker. in addition, I want to talk about the ways to spend your money and how to do it wisely to keep playing in the long run.
When I used to play, I played game by game. I put enough money to...