Poker, in its many variations, is undoubtedly the worlds most popular card game. Face to face poker room games are as popular today as they were when played in turn of the century saloons and riverboats plying the Old Mississippi. World championship poker tournaments and the more recent celebrity poker tournaments are followed internationally and have helped to popularize the game even more.
Online poker is no exception and is played by more gamblers around the world than any other games of chance. Poker online is closer to face to face table games than video poker which is an equally popular game played at land-based casinos. The difference between the two is that in casino video poker, you are playing against the machines internal computer which is a so-called random numbers generator that, as the name suggests, picks a poker hand randomly.
In online poker, you are playing against opponents around the world. Although you cannot see them, with experience you will learn to recognize other players strategies. In fact, many highly-regarded poker players and world poker championship winners, have honed their skills playing poker at online casinos.