Poor Credit History – Which Is Best, A Credit Card Or Personal Loan?
There was a time when poor credit meant you could kiss any chance of getting credit good-bye. Credit cards were extremely difficult to get if you had any kind of compromising information contained in your credit report. These days have long since passed. Today, if you have bad credit, there is a whole range of options open to you for sources of credit.
From personal loans, debt consolidation loans and credit cards, they are all now available in one form another to borrowers with a poor credit history. The thing you will have to remember however is that they come with different terms and are offered with different conditions than ordinary credit.
Typically, lenders who wish to increase their share of the market will search out new groups of customers who they can sell their product to. The bad credit segment is one area that lenders have begun offering most of their services on a large scale where before they did not. They simply assess the extra risk involved in lending to this group and then make sure that they charge correspondingly higher to compensate themselves for the extra...