If you have thick, brittle,discolored toenails, it is probable that you might have nail fungus. This condition, also known as onychomycosis, is a condition that starts of as a tiny white or yellow discoloration under the nail. This is due to the infection caused by the fungus which has managed to gain entry past the one-effective barrier provided by your nails. Because the fungus has now taken up residence under the nails, it makes it all the more difficult to treat.
The discoloration grows larger and larger until the whole of the nail turns yellow, and the nail becomes brittle, which makes it prone to breakage. In severe cases the nail eventually separates from the nail bed, a painful and unsightly condition that leaves the sufferer unable to do simple activities like walking or running. Some people suffer a great deal of embarrassment because the infection also produces a foul odor.
But like any problem, there is always a solution, and that solution may not be that expensive or hard to find. In the case of nail fungus, there are a wide variety of medications that your doctor can recommend that are very effective in treating you of your nail fungus. However,...