As paintball improved and became popular, many individuals tried their abilities at it; giving rise to the assortment and diversity of paintball tournaments and games.
Recreational or Capture the Flag Played by two teams, where each team has a flag and the objective of both teams is to capture or seize the opponents flag and carry it to your teams starting point. This is one way for your team to win and another way is by eliminating the opposing team entirely.
Each team has to defend their base and simultaneously dispatch team players to eliminate the opponent and capture their flag.
These games are usually played in the forest; bunkers and structures can be put up throughout the area.
Scenario Paintball
This is a paintball game with a theme set up behind it: there are an endless number of themes that can be created making the game feel and look very realistic. There are a number of players; in many cases as many as a hundred are involved in each team.
Each team gets the theme (storyline) a day before the start of the game. There are usually two teams participating, having the general as a teams leader.
Each player is given...