Point of Sale hardware, the till at a shop check out, has become very complex over the past ten years. Modern POS hardware includes the cash till, bar-code readers, scales, belts, communications system and modem.
When there is an electricity supply cut, large stores have little option about closing. It is not as simple as adding up the items in a basket with a calculator. The POS till includes inventory control, deducting items from stock as they are sold. The inventory count would be totally messed up if items were sold without going through the software inventory deduction procedures.
The POS hardware can be loaded with a range of retailer POS software solutions. These software programs allow stock to be deducted by items purchased, vastly improving stock control. Improved stock control means lower stock costs, less space required and improved profits.
Buying patterns can be analyzed simply and Customer Loyalty programs implemented if the right POS software is installed. Ordering can be automated and management much better informed regarding the performance of particular lines or departments.
Customer Self-Service POS hardware is more complicated...