For the most part, credit card applications are fairly identical in what they want to know about you and your finances. There may be some differences, depending on the company and the level of credit that you are seeking, but, in general, there are some things that all card issuers will want to know before they approve you for one of their credit cards.
Knowing in advance what the company will be looking for and improving those areas (whenever possible) before you actually apply to the company can improve your success rate. The following are some of the items that most (if not all) credit card companies will look at during their decision process.
Rent or Own: This is one of the standard questions that you see in almost all applications. There was a time when buying a home was looked upon more favorably than renting a home, but that is changing. Due to the increase in home foreclosures the advantages that buying had over renting are diminishing.
When it comes to answering this question, be truthful. You cannot lie about this and get away with it. Just be honest about it and understand that many renters get credit lines just as home buyers do. One caveat to...