When sending a new product or service out into the world, a flashy launch party won’t do the trick. Here’s how to spend your marketing budget wisely
Your public launch of a product or service should be designed to raise the profile of your company. Think of it as a marketing eventa kickoff party of sorts. What you need for a launch is a compelling product or service, plus a handful of early customers providing gushing testimonials.
Don’t spend money on a flashy launch party when you have no accomplishments to show off. Spend your marketing budget on making the press and blogging community aware of your product and the companies that are using it, as well as the problems your product is solving and the specific benefits that have resulted from its use.
You should prepare for your launch by answering the following four questions. Which companies are using your product/service? What specific problems are being solved? What associated “pain” is your product/service removing? What have the tangible and quantifiable benefits been to your clients?
Your goal is to provide a clear message about the customer’s problems,...