By John Tatman, Retired Real Estate Appraiser
Let us try to see your home through the buyers eyes. You have lived there for years and you see your home everyday. Is it appealing from the street? Would YOU buy it? Be honest.
In addition to all the common sense preparations such as picking up the toys and cleaning the yardlets spend a little money and really make your home inviting.
The lawn: Common sense tells you to keep your lawn mowed and edged, but does it look like a green desertwith no pizzazz? Lets go shopping and add some. Visit your local nursery and bring your checkbook. We are after greenery, concrete and other things.
Consider your entryway Assuming your lawn is not already landscaped; consider putting 2 to 4 18 inch to 24 inch pot plants along the entryway. This will give a welcoming atmosphere. Also, consider an attractive concrete birdbath close to the front entry.
The driveway: Plant 2 18 inch to 24 inch shrubs on the entry to your driveway. The Mail Box: Whether it is located near the entrance or on the curb, if it is not newreplace it. The preferable color is black with gold trim.
The Entryway/Porch: In addition to...