Successful business development executives increasingly are doing battle in the arena of strategic alliances and marketing partnerships. Nowadays getting the jump on your competition is not half as important as mapping out and deploying a targeted and unique value proposition with particular appeal to potentially compatible allies.
Successful business development executives increasingly are doing battle in the arena of strategic alliances and marketing partnerships. Nowadays getting the jump on your competition is not half as important as mapping out and deploying a targeted and unique value proposition with particular appeal to potentially compatible allies.
Take the old aphorism: “The early bird catches the worm?” It just doesn’t apply anymore. Even in the wild, naturists have discovered that ‘early on the job’ does not necessarily equate with success.
Consider this analogy:
Worms are slow, but they are expert at hiding. To catch one, birds must do more than just show up early. In the highly competitive world of birds, all the birds are up early. So, in practice, what distinguishes the successful bird from the hungry...