Presenting Business Plans: Why People Feel Nervous and What You Can Do About It
If you are looking for finance to either start up a business or expand your existing one you have to accept that if you want the Bank to say yes to your superb business idea, you are going to have to spend time preparing for the interview.
The chat with the Manager is your only chance to really sell yourself and your idea. It’s rare that you’ll get a second chance with the same Manager or Bank. So don’t deny yourself the opportunity.
But many people have a problem in presenting themselves in front of strangers!
So let’s consider why people find the idea of selling themselves and their business a daunting task.
Lack of Confidence
Some people just don’t feel confident when talking in a public situation. You may not consider communicating on a one-to-one basis as talking in public, but it is. Outside of your own “self-talk” (conversations you have in your mind with yourself) and within your own home, all conversations are essentially public speeches.
Lack of Preparation
If you haven’t...