When you have a lot of debt hanging over your head it really can become overwhelming and too much to handle. Many prefer to dodge the calls and the letters of the debt collectors. Instead, why not consolidate your debt and get out of the hole that you are currently in? You may feel that there is no way out of debt, but there is! The process is slow, but if you take it one day at a time, you will find that you are able to get out from under the cloud that is hanging over you now in less time than you had ever imagined.
Why Consolidating Your Debt Works
Many people hear the term debt consolidation and they don’t understand why putting all of their debt together works. The idea is simple. Instead of having several different creditors that you are paying interest and principle to you have just one entity that you are paying to. For instance, imagine that you had 10 different credit cards that you were paying to and you were paying 20% interest to each of them. A lot of the money that you are paying out each month is interest. So, if you combined all of the debt and you were paying 15% interest on the entire amount that you owe, you would be paying...