Ask yourself what readers or a reporter will be interested in.
Are you launching a web site?
Is there an issue you can protest?
Do you offer an apprenticeship or internship?
Do you have an employee that is retiring?
Have you won an award, contest or special certification?
Are you introducing a new product or service?
Are you making a major change to your products or services?
Have you been mentioned in a book or article?
Have you become a member of an association?
Are you making a change in pricing –especially reductions?
Are you offering a new training program for employees?
Can you take part in a controversy?
Can you write about a customer’s success story?
Is there something new or unique about your company or organization?
Can you release a testimonial received from a customer?
Can you publish results of a poll or survey?
Are you sponsoring a program or event?
Do you offer free advice?
Are there any unusual products or services that you offer?
Can you publish a summary of useful or new facts?