Prevent Bankruptcy By Seeking Help Through A Non-profit Debt Counselor
For many Americans, it is believed that the people who file bankruptcy are irresponsible with money, which all filers are living outside of their means and flat out refuse to make bill payments. While there are unfortunate cases in which these instances have been found to be true, the majority of Bankruptcy causes are uncontrollable. There are seven main factors that can lead to a person filing bankruptcy.
The seven main factors are listed from the main cause to the least likely cause of bankruptcy. Credit card debt is the most likely cause of bankruptcy at a 67% cause rate. The loss of a job or a decrease in pay carries a 50% rate for bankruptcy. Poor financial management is rated at 37%. Medical bills are said to be half out of 1.5 million bankruptcies. Three quarters of individuals who file bankruptcy due to medical bills or health issues are insured. Medical causes carry a 28% cause of bankruptcy. For those who encounter business trouble there is a 15% rate of bankruptcy. Divorce carries 13% and legal bills and lawsuits combined carry 12%.
These percentages show the true factors for...