The kitchen is one of the most dangerous rooms in your house as it contains many hazards and a high potential for unintentional fires.
Frying Pans and Deep Fry Pans
Using a thermostat controlled fryer is a great way to prevent deep fry pans fires. Avoid fat and grease build up on the stove or pans because fat and grease can easily catch fire.
Oven and Stove
The oven and range must be cleaned often to prevent grease and food from catching fire. Be careful when you cook and keep pot handles away from the edge of the stove. Dont wear long sleeves that can hang over the stove and catch fire. Always look on the oven when it is on and dont forget to turn it off when not in use. Place flammable fabrics, such as towels, away from the gas or electric range. Be careful with flammable liquids such as cleaning materials.
The most important safety rule for appliances is to use only appliances that have been tested and approved by a testing facility. Avoid overloading electrical outlets and check for worn or broken wiring on a regular basis. If you find defects be sure to make necessary repairs immediately. It is also very important to...