There are several ways that you can make to prevent the onset of student loan default. It is just somehow necessary for you to place your interest and efforts on preventing it. Here are the possible ways that you can consider:
1. Make sure that you understand your loan options as well as the related responsibilities prior to taking out a student loan.
2. Simply make your payments on time.
3. If possible, inform your lender or service provider promptly about any of the possible adjustments that may affect the repayment of your student loan. In case you move or change your address, let them know. Also, make sure that they know about the name changes, which are very possible because of marriage; graduation or termination of studies; leaves of absence as well as transfers to another institution.
4. If certain financial difficulties are encountered, try to consider applying for a deferment or forbearance on your loans. Many experts often suggest that it is much better to defer your payments than to go in to default status. Along with this, ask your lender or service provider about the available options while you are still making payments, before...