In dealing with health problems, it is said that prevention is better than cure. While it is certainly not an illness to be cured, the difficult situation of having an unwanted pregnancy can only be avoided in two ways: abstinence or prevention.
In 1999, the Canadian Federation for Sexual Health released a fact sheet about unwanted pregnancy. One fact listed there is that yearly, at least eight percent of Canadian women have an unwanted pregnancy. Unwanted pregnancy is a usually a result of ignorance, irresponsibility, or failure to use contraceptives. There are also cases where the contraceptive itself failed. The incidence of unwanted pregnancy has increased and, as a result, caused a rise in the number of reported abortions.
Nowadays, sexual activities are already widely discussed in the media and in public. Sex is no longer a taboo or forbidden topic. From movies to t.v. programs, from magazines to music — sex is already a well-worn topic or subject. The open discussions about sexuality had also exposed women to sex.
Not everyone, however, are aware of the risks or danger in doing it. This ignorance then results to incidents such as...