Young people report that family members wield a lot of influence when it comes to choosing a career. They also think super hero, whale trainer and princess are still some of the coolest jobs around.
These are just some of the key findings revealed in a survey conducted by Adecco, the world’s largest staffing company. The survey asked 245 children ages 6 to 14 about their career expectations.
The coolest job in the universe? The more intriguing choices include Disney World employee, super hero, whale trainer, roller coaster designer and princess. One family-oriented boy thought the coolest job is being a dad.
Many girls 13-14 are drawn to the health sciences (42 percent), especially physical therapy and veterinary medicine. Teenaged boys opted for such pursuits as psychiatry, herpetology, and acting.
Girls 10 to 12 are interested in medicine (37 percent), teaching (33 percent), and the performing arts (10 percent). The most popular choice for boys 10 to 12 is athlete (23 percent).
Boys 6 to 9 have varied goals, the largest block (17 percent) opting for police work. Sports and acting were popular choices, and possibly reflecting world...