To have the tongue of the pros in printing is indispensable to understand what they are trying to convey. Another reason is for you to take advantage of the printing techniques, materials and everything that concerns printing.
Are you a person who often runs out of words when talking to the prepress staff or a printer representative? Do you always search for the right words? Well, you can do something about it by improving your printing vocabulary and speak the lingo.
To help you begin, here are the critical terms in both prepress and printer:
Prepress terms:
Bleed – the amount of spare space necessary when ink runs of the page edge.
Finished size refers to the final size of the print item after it has been folded, trimmed and ready for distribution.
Line Screen refers to the number of rows of dots per inch.
Lineup includes all images that must line up together once the piece is folded or collated. This includes images from all the pages.
Page Count the number of pages in a book once folded and bound. A sheet, for instance, can make two pages when folded.
Plus Cover when another material for the cover is...