More and more, consumers are becoming just as interested in the label associated with their reward credit card as they are with the interest rate, possible annual fees, and rewards. After all, credit cards were once very nondescript with nothing special separating one from the other but the Visa or MasterCard logo in the bottom right hand corner.
Looking for Unique
Today, many consumers are looking for reward credit cards with flair, personality, and a unique quality. Of course, consumers are still interested in receiving a great deal with their reward credit cards and, for the most part, won’t be willing to give up quality for a pretty picture. Nonetheless, the offerings of credit cards are becoming more and more competitive as they fight each other for customers. Therefore, many of the best reward credit cards offer a variety of different styles to the consumer in order to attract them to their card. In some cases, the designs may indicate a different type of card with different benefits. In other cases, the same type of card may have many design options to choose from.
Breaking the Mould
The first credit card to offer an intriguing...