Proactive web analytics is necessary for successful web presence. Everything that is meant to help your business succeed online must be tied into your web analytics strategy. Every web site, e-mail campaign, Pay Per Click ad, landing page, and blog must be measured. There is no improvement possible without rigorous measurement of what is happening to your web presence. As the old clich goes, if you cant measure it you cant manage it. Without measuring the effectiveness of your efforts, all you do is make decisions based on feelings instead of facts.
The reactive approach to web analytics equates to running your business in crisis mode. Its not pretty. Whenever you are doing anything in crisis mode, you cant plan for anything and without planning you cant succeed. You should not make a change, spend another dollar, and start a new marketing campaign without measurable goals. Web analytics is your tool to measure your level of success and failure.
A web presence that does not include a proactive web analytics strategy creates an environment where decisions are based on assumptions instead of information based on data. Such a system is a recipe for disaster. Before...