In the contemporary arena, Internet has become an inseparable and indispensable part of an average household. People are extensively using Internet to gather information about products and services they are willing to purchase or pay for. People tend to spend hours together to browse through a whole host of websites to gather particulars about a product, before going in for its purchase.
The search down various websites especially holds true for product and / or service being purchased for the very first time, or being technological in nature needs updating of general knowledge, or being a rare item that has to be first found available and then compared as regards its prices on offer.
Generally, Internet users tend to put down or print out the details, like features, parallels, price tags plus shipping charges and so on, for each website showcasing availability of the product / service in demand. Then the users compare the noted down information or print outs to conclude the most economical as well as reliable site, and thus make an informed decision. The whole process takes a lot of time, effort and money at the end of the Internet user.
The modern...