If youre an online retailer or any type of retailer theres probably no better reading material for you than industry publications. What other reading will help you source and market products and build your product lines around your customers needs?
Whats a Trade Publication?
According to Lisa Suttora, of http://WhatDoISell.com, A trade publication is a magazine, newspaper, or even email newsletter that is written specifically for industry insiders. You can find an extremely broad range of information in a trade magazine:
The product lines that are selling
Ways other retailers are successfully marketing their products
Trending reports that show the influences affecting both whats being manufactured now and whats going to be selling
Information on upcoming trade shows
Supplier contact information
The new products that manufacturers will be introducing
Manufacturers reasons for going in a particular direction: whats influencing sales, which products consumers are buying the factors that led them to create a product line
Invest in Knowledge
Every industry has a publication, and theyre only...