A logo is a design or image that represents a company, brand or product. Its aim is to help people identify the company with a positive customer experience. It is the basis of all future branding, advertising and communication strategies. Therefore considerable attention should be paid by the brand owners to develop and create an image that besides being unique will stand the test of time Remember a logo will outlive people, products and services and exist as long as a company continues to operate.
The word logo is derived from the Greek word logotipos meaning a graphic symbol, element or icon of a trademark or brand which is set in a unique typeface or arranged in a particular way.
The three different aspects of a logo are:
Logotype/ word mark /letter mark
Icon: symbol/trademark
Slogan: Tag line
Logos gained enormous popularity in the 19th Century after the Industrial Revolution which led to increase in output, distribution and beginning of competitive markets. Every Company wanted to prove it was the best. Every organization wanted to outshine its competitors which surprise, surprise has not changed. There was a...