Promotional products have been around for nearly 200 years. The Promotional Products Association International (PPAI), a trade association for promotional item distributors, points out that the promotional market came about when George Washington created buttons for his campaign. Although the promotions market has changed and expanded greatly since then, the original concept behind the message remains the same, get your message seen.
Promotional items are increasingly becoming a regular part of companies budgets. People are realizing that potential business growth can be directly related to the use of promotional products and creative advertising. Sometimes this means having to spend a little bit more on promotional products while creatively thinking outside the box for new ways to express your message.
The promotional products industry is currently one of the fasting growing industries in the nation with total sales exceeding $16 billion in 2003.
PPAI provided the following breakdown of promotional product sales by category and item:
2003 Category Sales
* Corporate Gifts 17.9%
* Employee Relations & Events 10.1%
* Tradeshows...