In the event where you need a replacement part for your Harley-Davidson motorcycle, you either find a brand new part or a used one to replace the defective part. Both can be done of course but let us focus our attention on the used Harley-Davidson part.
When we say used Harley-Davidson part, we mean part that has been installed and has served some time on other Harley-Davidson. Now, heres the question: Is it okay to use used Harley-Davidson parts?
To lay the answers clearly, here are the pros and cons of buying used Harley-Davidson parts.
Cheap – It is always certain that when we buy anything that is used, the price is always cheaper than the brand new one. The case of used Harley-Davidson part is no different. They are a lot cheaper than buying brand new parts. And considering that new Harley-Davidson parts are expensive, used ones are best buys.
Warranty – No store that aims to maintain long business would sell defective parts without providing warranty. Since used Harley-Davidson parts can have malfunction or would not work at all, these store would tend to give their costumers the assurance that they would get their moneys...