If you are considering applying for a cash back credit card, it is best to thoroughly consider the pros and cons of this sort of card first. While cash back credit cards may at first seem to be a great idea, they are not necessarily the right choice for all people.
The Rewards of Cash Back Credit Cards
The most obvious pro of cash back credit cards is the money you receive in turn for spending on the credit card. While this is a great pro, you might not always get what you bargained for. For example, some cash back credit cards require you to spend a minimum amount before you receive your cash back reward. Furthermore, if you don’t reach this minimum amount within a specific amount of time, you might not receive the reward at all.
On the other hand, a cash back credit card may not be as rewarding as it appears to be on the surface. For example, a card that pays back 2% on every purchase may seem great. But, if this card only pays back for the first $5,000 you spend with the card, you might not actually make much money of the card. The best cash back credit cards do not place restrictions on the amount of money you can spend in order to receive...