Credit cards are very convenient. Theres no need to carry any cash; you can just take a credit card with you to the shop and charge for your shopping.
When you shop on the Internet or over the phone, its the only good way to make purchases online. This is more convenient than posting a cheque for payment. Like anything convenient, though, having credit cards have its cons.
Not Keeping Track of Your Shopping Charges May Land You in Trouble.
When you walk into that shop and hand over the card, you dont pay cash rightaway. This can mean that as you do not see less money in your purse or wallet, you may lose track of how much youve spent.
Everyone has a tendency to underestimate what they spend, and smaller amounts can add up quickly on a credit card without you even noticing. Its like taking the way phone bills work and applying it to everything you buy and that cant be a good idea.
Also, imagine the scenario if you have more than one credit card. You will have to consolidate your charges on all of them as well as those on your debit cards to derive your total spending for the month.
You May Pay More Interest than Earn...