Homeschooling, as an effective educational program, has undergone numerous debates. In fact, opinions are equally divided between the pros and the cons. Homeschooling, indeed, offers benefits for the child but like many things, there are also some downsides to implementing the program. It is therefore best to know the pros and cons before you get your kid into the program. It is up to the parents to sift through the positives and the negatives of homeschooling.
Flexible structure
One of the things that puts homeschooling in stellar position is the fact that it is highly flexible and dynamic. Unlike traditional curriculum which is fixed, the homeschooling system allows changes, in fact it encourages them.
Tailor-fit to the child
Because of the fluid structure of homeschooling programs, the lessons can be tailor-fitted to the childs capability, pace and learning style. There is no pressure to keep up with the lesson of the day and students can start or finish their lessons any time of the day.
More practical learning activities
Homescholing is an unstructured educational program, which allows for more freedom in terms of...