Many college, and even high school, students have a need for carrying a credit card. Often, however, these students are not yet financially responsible for themselves and still rely on their parents to help take care of their financial responsibilities. Therefore, secured student credit cards may be a great option for parents with children who are still in school. Nonetheless, the pros and cons of secured student credit cards need to weighed in order to determine if they are the right choice for you.
Pro: Secured Student Credit Cards Allow You to Monitor Spending
Secured credit cards are different from traditional credit cards in that you put funds on the credit card ahead of time. Therefore, the only money that is spent with the card is the money that is put on to it. In other words, a line of credit is not extended. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about your child creating a humongous debt that you have to pay for.
In addition to preventing your child from going into debt, a secured student credit card also allows you to set your child up with an allowance. You can determine how much money you want to give your child to spend each month...