Having credit cards is a trend nowadays. Credit cards could truly be helpful in times of financial crisis and during emergency situations. They could also provide you with the accessibility and convenience of cashless payments. If used appropriately, credit cards could surely improve your financial condition.
However, there are also several cons in having credit cards. Sometimes, fees may get out of hand due to the high interest rates that most banks charge. Add to the fact that sometimes, there are additional payments that you would have to pay that your are not initially aware of. Credit card could also contribute to your financial disaster, if improperly used.
Applying for a credit should not be an impulsive decision. Do not fill out an application form just because your company or your favorite store endorses it. It should be given careful thought and consideration to your payoff capability and needs. Banks have great marketing strategies that would definitely lure you. 0% APR or low interest rates are good ways in attracting customers. However, it is common knowledge that there are clauses in fine print which make these offers not as good as they initially...