One of the many reasons for obtaining a business credit card is that you want the guaranteed line of credit on standby to help you maintain the cash flow of your business. Bearing that in mind, it would be prudent of you to take measures that will protect your business credit cards from unscrupulous people; otherwise, that line of credit could get abused. You should ensure that your business credit card or the corresponding business credit card number does not fall into the possession of those who will use it, without caring one iota for the financial consequences to your business.
It is not that difficult to ensure that your business credit card is shielded from unauthorized charges. Some simple ways that you can go about protecting your business credit card and by association your business are listed below:
Avoid using your business credit cards on any unsecured websites at all costs. Online purchases undoubtedly are convenient and save time, but your business credit card number and other information can be stolen if you insist on purchasing an item from an unsecured website. When making online purchases with your business credit cards, patronize only those...