In addition to protecting your credit rating, it is also important to protect the physical credit card itself. Having the card in your possession is not enough, as people can write down the number on the card and use it to make fraudulent purchases. Identity theft has become a problem that costs consumers and companies billions of dollars each year.
Even if fraud, banks and credit card company have never directly affected you will pass down the costs of fraud to consumers. An example of this is the foreign currency transaction fees that you will have to pay when you use your credit card in foreign countries. When you look at it like this, credit card fraud has an effect on virtually everyone. There are a number of things you can do to make sure your card and the numbers on it are protected at all times.
Never provide your credit card number over the phone to someone you didn’t initiate the call with. You should make sure you know whom you are talking to before you give them your credit card number. Even if the person says they are affiliated with a well known company, if you didn’t call them, don’t give them your credit card number until...