Protect Your Home Or Apartment When You Go On Vacation
Going on a vacation is wonderful and you deserve it. Coming home to find that your home has been broken into will make all those good times be forgotten in an instant.
One of the times your home is most vulnerable is when it is left empty for an extended period of time such as when the occupants are on vacation or on extended business trips. Darkened windows, unretrieved mail or newspapers and closed windows in hotter weather all tell of your absence to a potential burglar.
The best protection for your house or apartment during your absence is to have a house sitter.
A friend you trust staying at your house can take care of your pets and/or plants in addition to making sure the house is occupied. Of course this scenario is not always an option. Here are some precautions that should be taken by the owner or inhabitants to take before leaving on their trip away from home.
Have a neighbor check on your apartment or house while youre away turning on lights, radios or TVs and opening and closing curtains will give your apartment or house the appearance of someone home.
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