Proper care is crucial to keeping your wood floor in tiptop shape. There are three types of care you need to give your hardwood floors.
Preventative Care
Regular cleaning is preventative care for your wood floors. Keeping dirt, grit, sand, etc off your floor will obviously prevent it from causing scratches. It is good practice to place floor mats at entrances, whether they lead outside or just to another room in your home. They will trap a large percentage of dirt and debris before it ever touches your floor.
Use felt pads on the legs of all your furniture and be sure to pick it up completely off your floor before moving it. Too much sun can also cause damage to your wood flooring, use curtains or drapes to protect the wood from UV rays where ever possible.
Weekly Maintenance
Using a vacuum with a bare floor attachment is the best way to make sure all the dirt, grit, and other debris that makes it past the floor mat gets picked up before it can do much damage. Dust mopping is also a great way to keep you wood floor shining. Be sure to spray any cleaning treatment onto the dust mop head at least 24 hours prior to using it on your wood. Sweeping...