The best part about being a human, is the ability to actually deeply care about and love someone. To be in love is probably one of the greatest emotions we can experience. When you’re in a relationship and everything is going well, it’s sometimes easy to take the relationship for granted.
Unfortunately, relationships, even the ones you thought were going smoothly, can come to an abrupt end. While truly caring about someone and loving them is great and a source of pleasure, when the relationship is over it can be a huge source of pain, sorrow, and a broken heart. If the break up is recent, you may not believe it, but there are things you can do to begin mending a broken heart.
Unfortunately, there is no magic pill, potion, lotion, or method for instantly mending a broken heart. It is imperative that you understand this. After a break up, there will be times when your emotions are going to be up, down, sideways, diagonal, and every other way, but right.
In fact, you’ll probably experience combination’s of emotions you never thought possible. One example is anger and sadness mixed together. You’ll find that sometimes your...