PSP, no this isnt some new form of PCP or LSD or new street drug of choice, though it is a huge favorite among teens and college aged kids on the streets. The PSP stands for Play Station Portable. This is the newest hand held gaming system from Sony for their Play Station franchise. This new gaming system is light years evolved ahead of the Nintendo Gameboys that helped to start the whole craze, and PSPs offer far more options than their ancient predecessors.
PSPs are gaining strongly in popularity. Many advertisements on television commercials will even mention a movie coming out on PSP as well as DVD. The ability of this consul and portable gaming system to adapt to multi-functional usage is one of the aspects that makes it so appealing. While there were definitely some early detractors to the new PSP model when it was initially introduced (along with a huge number of gaming fans who swore by the Nintendo DS portable system) Sonys PSP consoles ascent in popularity has been amazing, and remarkably fast, much like the popularity of Apple’s iPod.
With the emergence of the console, PSP games have come into much higher demand. The cheaper alternative to...