Psychological First Aid is often overlooked but can be sometimes more important than medical first aid especially in the event of a national disaster. People need Psychological First Aid when having to deal with emotional distress from an accident, injury, or even just a shocking event. Consider the events of 9/11 or hurricane Katrina where there was a combination of all three. There were people who died, people who required medical first aid or trauma assistance, and the rest required psychological first aid. Just like a regular person can be trained to administer first aid, so can a regular person be trained to administer psychological first aid training.
When the US reflects on the tragic events of 9/11, as many poor souls that were lost and wounded, there were many more that required intense psychological first aid, similar to medical first aid, until professional help was available. As people watched buildings explode and people jumping out of multi story windows rather than burn to death, the emotional distress must have been not only unimaginable but also devastating. Some people just fell to the ground in a panic and could not even breathe. All of the paramedics...