Ones attitude has a lot more to do with the level of her/his success than ones aptitude, ability, IQ, education or other factors do. Id like to get into the details of a salespersons psychology so that, when it comes to building your team and individual team members, you are equipped with the knowledge of whats really going on in there. As a holder of a management or other sort of leadership position, you may have already experienced being a salesperson yourself. However, it never hurts to review and be reminded of what its like to carry the bag. I also want to emphasize the mental game because so many companies focus on external things, like product knowledge, licensing, etc. And while these things are all important, companies that focus on such externalities often neglect the cultivation of their salespeoples proper mindset. Ive always found this selling mentality ironic, because its whats going on in the inside that will most dramatically affect sales.
A direct relationship exists between self-image and sales performance. If you dont already, try to get a handle on how your reps perceive themselves. What kind of self-talk plays in their brains all day long? You and...