Pursuit Of Happiness In Life: 3 Things That Stand In The Way Of Finding True Happiness
Most humans spend their entire life in pursuit of happiness, but many never stand a chance of finding true happiness. So what is the reason that so many people are not happy? What is the secret to happiness? There are actually three important roadblocks to our personal happiness.
The first, and most critical, hurdle to finding true happiness is that we do not know ourselves. The real secret to happiness is knowing what is important to you personally. The simple truth is that there is not one universal path to happiness because every person is different and has different dreams and needs. While for one person creating something might be the path to happiness for another person it might be nurturing others. However, we are too often focused on the wrong goals because we listen to popular culture or other people. If we spend the time and energy to really concentrate on our dreams, and shut out the distractions, then we can find the key to unlocking our own happiness.
Another roadblock in our pursuit of happiness is giving too much power to things that do not matter. I have a...