Put Away That Money Clip Credit Card Holder And Have Financial Freedom Within Your Reach
If you have them, you probably know that credit cards are the work of the devil with its false promises of financial freedom, only to find out later that instead of being free, youve been imprisoned in debt. Its as evil as most men, lulling you into a sense of security, only to be screwed in the worst way possible. Indeed, credit cards are the bane of everybodys existence, and the sooner you realize it, the better it is for you.
The Freebie Mystique
Most people, men and women alike, are enticed by credit card companies with freebies. Youve all heard about it. As long as you put in your application, youre promised free watches, pairs of shoes, and even trips as soon as your application is approved. What you dont know is youll be paying for those freebies faster than you can take out your money clip credit card holder. Indeed, in this day and age, freebies come with a price. Before you put your shiny new credit card in your money clip credit card holder, find out what its going to cost you.
Not Interested in Interest
Credit card companies thrive on interest...