Having to deal with angry and upset customers is by far one of the worst responsibilities we must face on a day to day basis in the world of sales and business.
However, this responsibility, like so many others we must face on a daily basis, just comes with the territory.
Customers become angry for all sorts of reasons. Some are legitimate reasons. Some are not. In any event it is our job to defuse the situation. Here are a few tips on how you can calm your customer down and put them at ease.
1. Give them your hand to shake
When I was in the banking industry, I worked many years as a branch manager. A customers body language would speak volumes as they approached my office. This body language allowed me to prepare for what was to come.
It is not difficult to tell when someone is angry. Their face scrunches. Their lips tighten, and their brow wrinkles. They walk quickly with a purpose in their step, and you know they mean business.
My reaction to this type of body language was to reach out my hand to them as an offering of peace. I did this before they had an opportunity to start venting their anger. I would then calmly introduce...