Want to get Better at your Marketing today?
For many service business owners, marketing can be a real mystery. We don’t really know exactly how it works. We’re not real sure about what works best for us. And probably because of some past frustrations, we’re not even sure where to start.
Most seem to at least have a notion of what’s involved in marketing…a web site, Yellow Pages advertising, brochures, direct mailings, networking, seminars, trade shows, etc.
But if that’s all it took, wouldn’t we all be attracting enough clients?
I’m sure you’ve tried one or more of these things at least to some degree. And I’m sure you’ve had at least some successes now and again. But are you able to make it work consistently for your business?
If not, what could be going on?
First, let’s agree to a definition of marketing. Here is my favorite one for small, service-based businesses:
“Marketing is the use of strategies to generate a constant supply of high-quality leads for your service business.” Simple to understand and speaks directly to the results we...