There is a program that is run by the William Glasser Institute called, “The Quality School” program. It is an outstanding program that gets to the heart of school failure and disengagement. It is not based on fancy curriculum. No, instead it focuses on building need-satisfying relationships with students so that they will want to learn. Competency-based learning is the focus and the results are that students scores on standardized testing significantly increases and discipline problems are greatly reduced.
This program is only endorsed when an entire building is on board with Glassers teachings. That means everyone in the school has to be trained in Choice Theoryteachers, administrators, custodial staff, cafeteria workers and students.
It is not always possible for every teacher who wants to implement Glassers ideas to work in a Quality School. There are many teachers who are trying to do this alone or with one other partner. It is certainly more difficult but definitely not impossible. This is why Glasser wrote the book, The Quality School Teacher, as a follow up to The Quality School, so every teacher who wants to create a quality classroom can do...