Quarter life crisis is a common occurrence to people in the mid to late 20s. Young adults feel obsessively depressed about a lot of things. This ranges from physical, emotional, financial insecurities that they start facing once they enter the real world.
To a lot of these troubled young adults, it starts as a general feeling of having no sense of direction regarding where they want their lives to go. Most adults go through this after graduating college. This is the stage where they have to prove true every theory taught to them during their academic years. Many young men and women who are fresh graduates are idealistic in picking work at this stage of their lives. They feel a need to prove to others, most especially to themselves, that they are going to be able to apply everything they’ve learned from school on the job they’ve chosen.
Disappointments start setting in once they’re rejected from their chosen jobs. Young people have a tendency to start sour-graping about jobs that are rejected them. This is a typical defense mechanism by young people to protect their broken ego. They either give excuses that the job that rejected them...