Nominated for 9 Craft Awards (bestowed by the Director’s Guild of Canada), Queer As Folk is a groundbreaking drama series that has built itself a large cult following since its inception in 2000. Based on a British TV series of the same name, Queer As Folk is in many ways similar to HBO’s Sex And The City, and it’s one of the first TV dramas to be completely centered around the lives of homosexual characters, or even have prominent homosexual characters – following on the heels of groundbreaking sitcoms such as Ellen (1994) and Will & Grace (1998). The brainchild of UK-born writer and creator Russell T. Davies, Queer As Folk follows the life and times of a group of gay friends as they live out their respective lives in modern-day America
Set in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Queer As Folk follows the exploits of a group of gay and lesbian friends who live on or around Liberty Avenue. Most of the scenes take place either in the character’s homes, a local diner, or the popular gay nightclub Babylon. Lindsay Peterson (Thea Gill) and Melanie Marcus (Michelle Clunie) comprise the lone lesbian couple to star in the series, while various gay...