Questions To Ask A Computer Repair School Before You Put Down Your Money
Most people realize that getting good training from a computer repair school for a task is a smart thing to do. Choosing a computer repair school that gives you bad training on the other hand can lead to much frustration. Avoiding a negative experience comes down to asking the right questions.
How long have you been in business? This is the first question to ask. You don’t want to be a guinea pig for a school. If this is the first or second year of operating for them, keep looking. I know someone has to be first and you are probably going to get a lower tuition rate but it isn’t usually worth the risk. Running a training school isn’t for the faint of heart. There are lots of lessons to be learned. Why let them learn those lessons on you?
How many people in the program I’m planning to take have found jobs in the last year? A good computer repair school will be happy to provide you with numbers. Even better is if they are willing to provide you with references including names and phone numbers. Unless you plan on opening your own business, knowing there will be a...