You are at right place, if you are looking for some nice facts about steroids. However, before starting with the quick facts about steroids, you must know what steroids are.
Quick facts about steroids synthetic hormone drugs derived from testosterone steroids are often used for muscle building, performance enhancing, and improving appearance. Medically, steroids are used as treatment for asthma, chronic lung disease, skin conditions and allergic reactions.
Steroid Terms often known as Juice, Roids, Gym Candy, Pumpers, Stackers, Balls or Bulls, Weight Trainers, Arnies, and As or Anabolics.
Steroid Use often used as tablets, liquid, or injected intramuscularly, steroids are taken in cycles i.e. taken over a specific period of time, stopped, and then again started. Steroids are stacked i.e. used in combination with other drugs.
Steroid Abuse Steroid abusers experience rapid weight gain, rapid muscle development, acne flare up, fluid retention, yellow tint in the eyes and on skin (jaundice), mood swings, depression, aggressive behavior, and premature balding.
Steroid Detection oral steroids can be detected in body up to several weeks after use,...