A web log, also known as a “blog” for short, is like an online diary or journal for some, on online multimedia center, article or news announcer and more to others. Basically text-based, blogs are easy to update with posts, and depending upon the type of blog, fairly easy to maintain.
If you choose to set up your own blog with software in your web hosting package, for example, you generally chose a WordPress blog. WordPress offers a variety of templates, however, not all templates are compatible with all plug-ins or modules you may want to incorporate into your blog like RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds. So you would either have to learn the skills needed to update your blog as technology and the Internet advance, or you would need to hire help to do this for you so that your blog keeps up with the times.
Blog Content and Features
Regardless of whether or not you hire help with your blog set-up and maintenance, there are many features and benefits for both bloggers and website visitors. For example, many authors can contribute to a blogs content. So you can set up multiple authors to allow posting access for each one.
Plus you can...